News 2018-19


Forthcoming events, projects and exhibitions




October/November 2019

The New Language of Art

Curator David Goldenberg

Festival of the moving image and Contemporary Art, Rochester and Canterbury, UK



5 Years Gallery, London, UK

+ publication


Imago Mundi Museum, Treviso, Italy


July 3-5


IIPPI conference, Lille, France

A new slide show and audio work on “This Historic Moment”, sketch for “A new institutional critique of total power” using constellations of screen shots.


Infinite Multiples, London, UK

Presentation of new 4 new versions of texts on temporal/cultural looping on waste bags plus T-shirt versions








Example of text on T-shirt 2019



Unpublished interview with IM





New interview



3rd August – 2nd September



Join the Dots


Imago Mundi, in collaboration with Fabrica – Art Theorema #1: New Highlights of the International Art scene, Saloni degli Incanti, Trieste, Italy

Including Christo, Palladino, Franz Graf, Heimo Zobernig,






The Surplus value of Art, 2018



My 2nd text to explore Agamben and Tiqqun’s ideas of the body




The catalogue for the Odessa Biennial has just been published


Please see below






3rd March Din Dins sonic event organised by Seth Guy, East London, UK


8th – 15th March


Nomad air residency Oslo, Norway and Uddebo, Sweden





Poster for nGbk


View of presentation at nGbk in Berlin with our poster  “This Historical Moment” with concept and visualisations



I have material included in Steve Willats exhibition of Control Magazine, Tate Liverpool exchange

25th April – May 16th


Sunday 27th May 4 pm


“Being together is not enough”


5 Years Gallery, London, UK




Introduction to a long term project This Historical Moment


Within neoliberalism

Documentation will follow shortly and a transcript of the event will be available later in the year


New interview


Interviewed by Manuela Johanna Covini


To be published in September


Below is a rather crude and unedited reply to a series of questions that Manuela sent me that formed the basis for her film interview.


Interview 5.12 12pm



2nd June



I will show an excerpt from a 2014 slide show for the NGCA, Bucharest, Romania, re adapted for the new context and renamed as Global Currency


At sunset

Decreation tour

organised by 51zero

Outdoor Cinema


David Goldenberg, Dan Rees, Smadar Dreyfus, Sung Tieu, Bas Jan Ader, Nikita Kadan, Sarah Cameron, Derek Ogbourne, The Play, Semiconductor

Whitstable Biennial Off site project

The Old Neptune Pub

Marine Terrace


CT5  1EJ




4th August 2 pm


Tate Liverpool exchange project, Liverpool, UK + tour



Introduction to Participating Cultures


Further information will follow shortly





My new interview is just about to be published in Meio 3, a Dutch Brazilian publication. It is basically a short autobiographical text that traces my interest in art since the age of 7 and allows me to clarify recent thinking and concepts.


Reviews of my work for the Odessa Biennial






Reviews of 51 zero Festival


51zero Festival of Moving Image and installation


New coordinates


Rochester Cathedral, Guildhall Museum, Huguenot Museum, Kent University, Rochester, Kent


PV Rochester Cathedral Friday 27th October 7 – 9 pm


27th October – 2nd November 2017


Co-curated by David Goldenberg




View of work clustered into a series of 4 displays inside the Guildhall Museum




Programme notes for the Festival



With Bas Jan Ader, Acconci, Dan Rees, Nikita Kadan, Sung Tieu, Alia Syed, Derek Ogbourne, Maria Khierkhah, Smadar Dreyfus


Friday 27th Opening Rochester Cathedral, Sunday 29th October Opening of the Guildhall Museum with a day of discussions titled New Coordinates, Tuesday 31st October Talk around an installation, Wednesday 1st November Developing a new script, Thursday 2nd November Decreation and new coordinates and developing a new script for art.





Download Odessa Biennial digital Catalogue here




Photos of opening speeches


My contribution to the 5th Odessa Biennial fleshes out ideas first proposed for Distributing Obsolescence: Food bank, Art bank, Technology bank last year for Villa Capri, Italy, that sought to establish a set of coordinates to situate contemporary art.

The new project is structured through a series of negations, it is untitled and without a press release and the material is inserted into an existing installation across two rooms, using a found Russian press release juxtaposed with press releases I have amassed over the past few years which are changed each day. The work sought to develop a whole idea around change, which forces are stopping development and ideas for taking thinking and art forward.

The work sought to develop a whole idea around change, which forces are stopping development and ideas for taking thinking and art forward, reflected in the change of register in the material across the two rooms.






Below is just a trial area and will undergo considerable changes over the next few weeks. The files are low resolution, but if anyone wants copies of high-resolution material please email


Below are a series of publications to accompany the installation for Odessa and are intended to provide detailed background information on the new installation/visual essay. Booklet 3 is currently being designed and the 9th Booklet of recent texts will also be produced,  while the 4 books designed with Ioana Pioaru in 2012 that summarised the history and ideas behind Post Autonomy is also available again. Booklet 10 on the language of the body is under development and will be published soon


Publications to accompany the installation for the Odessa Biennial


Booklet 1

Booklet 2 New Historic Moment

Booklet 3 Catalogue  currently in the process of being designed

Booklet 4 Delivering obsolescence

Booklet 5 Free ports

Booklet 6 Selected Works, CV and Press

Booklet 7 Interviews

Booklet 8 Portfolio of images


Publications on Post Autonomy



Topology of PA

short history of PA



5th Odessa Biennial of Contemporary Art – Turbulence. August 26th –  September 3oth, 2017

Curated by Mikhail Rashkovetsky and Semen Kantor, The Museum of Odessa Modern Art, Odessa, Ukraine


Including Dan Prejovschi, special section  to include Boris Mikhailov,  and a special section curated by Monika Szewczyk with Artur Zmijewski

Zanny Begg, Kristina Paustian, Renee Ridgway, Ghost of a Dream, Nikita Kadan & Yuri Leiderman, Martinka Bobrikova & Oscar de Carmen


Special Section

The “Delivering Obsolescence. Art Bank, Data Bank, Food Bank” project

Curated by  Camilla Boemio, with Fabio Lattanzi Antinori and David Goldenberg





The following information on the Biennial is the English translation of a text on the Biennial website


” The Odessa Biennial once again confronts artists with Global problems. That, according to many authoritative experts, is one of the signs of provincialism and marginality. However, in the era of fundamental crisis, and even more so – a crisis of fundamentals, the true outline of the future often encountered in the margins of canonic texts, at the boundaries, are melting in the fire of innovations.

Half a century later after “Future Shock” by Alvin Toffler outstanding sales manager discovered that we are shaped by turbulent flows of V.U.C.A, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.

If earlier turbulence in culture has been defined as a crisis or transition with their spatial-temporal boundaries, now the state of turbulence claims to be boundless. The ancient curse “May you live in an era of change” becomes meaningless as contemporary culture fails to reach a state of stability. Out put from turbulent area is considered a catastrophe that could end human existence as a whole.

Unity and opposition, private and the general enter into the most dangerous zone of risk. Radical design modeling is urgently needed as permanent change accelerates exponentially. One such means has been art. A daily challenge of art at all times has been working with universal relationships, including dynamic ones. Value’s of this function in turbulent zone trends to infinity. We are once again called to look into the essence of social problems from the specific and universal art optics. But we exist at a moment where audiences for contemporary art are isolated ( which is a generation of a postindustrial society) becomes unbearable. ” The Odessa Bienniale is curated by Mikhail Rashkovetsky and Semen Kantor


Text and images from Distributing Obsolescence: Food Bank. Art Bank. Technology Bank show, background information for the new installation in the Odessa Biennial can be found in the following publication




Article by Camilla Boemio



Forthcoming events and projects in 2017/18



July 2018 Tate Liverpool, talks, workshops, performances


Early 2018 Vinyl Factory, organised by 1000 miles an hour, London, UK


Early 2018 Imago Mundi Highlights, Imago Mundi Museum, supported by the Benetton Foundation and Fabrica, Teviso, Italy. [Cata]


December a new interview is to be published by Meio, a Dutch Brazillian Journal


My text for Iris republished in Imagista



New text for Reflektor M



La Cuisine Allmonde, galeriedutableau. Marseille, France


October/November Medway Arts Festival, Rochester, UK


November 3rd Ghost Pavilion, organised by Reflektor M, Museum Villa Stuck, Munich, Germany


October Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy


Artists´ Books for Everything

An exhibition of the Centre for Artists´ Publications

Juni 3rd  – August 6th  2017

Centre for Artists´ Publications / Weserburg

Museum für Moderne Kunst
Teerhof 20
28199 Bremen





6th December, What happens to us,  curated by Marsha Bradfield and Amy McDonnell, Welcome at the Same Table with CINZIA CREMONA. Wimbledon Space, Wimbledon School of art, London, UK.


23rd November I have work in Art-e-motion, presented by Marina Moreno, Palazzo Mora, Venice, Italy


Three new texts  2016/2017

January 2017 new version of “After the catastrophe” for the Catalogue of “Diane La Chasseresse” Iris Brosch, Published by Editions Rue de Temple




“After the catastrophe” Published by Normal Magazine


“Switch on and off (new version) ” Published by Pavilion Magazine


pavillion text




Excerpt from my text on Participatory Practices written for Fillip Journal No 8 quoted by Fabiola Hanna 3.6.2017





Pavilion homepage                                                 New book on Art after Autonomy  



Text by Suzana Milevska “Infelicitous” Participatory Acts on the Neo Liberal stage, Participatory art’s promises and hopes for Democratization of Society, with reference to my Fillip 8 article and A short history of Post Autonomy


AND Journal 27 & 28


AND No 27

AND No 28


Texts from the early 1990’s on Microwaves and Frozen stills and Flexible Response


10th November Talk on recent work at The University of the Arts Canterbury


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