
Exhibitions 2016/17




Art Riot Exhibition and book launch, Chelsea School of Art, London, UK

PV 5th September

5-9th September

Room A119a


July 2016


“Delivering Obsolescence: Art bank, Data bank, food bank” One person show at the Palace of Villa Caprile, Le Marche, Italy. Curated by Camilla Boemio and AAC Platform


art bank, data bank, food bank



July 2016, Group show, Kunst Altonale 18, Hamburg, Germany



Stasis and Looping


Title: Stasis and Looping, 2016


A new work  “A visual essay on the effectiveness of art against the background of a protest against austerity”


Research Seminar: David Goldenberg

Event Date May 4, 2016 3:30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Location – ATRiuM, Cinema (CA B205)

Assembling a platform to stage Participating Cultures

Chair: Inga Burrows (University of South Wales)

The term Participating Cultures originated in a lecture that I delivered for the 2010 Mongolian Land Art Biennial, as a critique of participatory practices and the Biennial form as a platform for staging art in a Global context. Then expanded and visualised in installations for the Venice Biennial and the Caspian Sea Biennial, and more recently in a text for the Pavilion Journal in 2014 where Participating Cultures is recognised as the second term in the formulation of the scheme of Post Autonomy.

In the new lecture I propose to provide a general introduction that covers the initial steps towards the conceptualisation and visualisation of Participating Cultures, beginning with how to translate the concepts into recognisable forms and language that makes the ideas understandable to a wider audience and contributors. And at the same time establish a platform to both discuss and stage a project examining Participating Cultures against a background of stasis and obsolescence and the current state of sociopolitical emergency, that forefronts the health and capacity for art and thinking to register this state of affairs? As a term it is intended to signal and trigger re-imagining starting again, leading to re-configuring the spatial global role of art. Yet before this possible any discussion of change, starting again, and reconfiguration is only possible through a general understanding of the space of art and cultural power.

Da­vid Gol­den­berg, (Hit­chin, Hertfordshire, UK, 1956) is an im­portant Eng­lish con­cep­tu­al ar­tist. For ye­ars, his re­se­arch has been con­cen­tra­ted on the Post Au­to­no­my con­cept, which he has de­ve­l­o­ped in a num­ber of shows held at im­portant in­ter­na­tio­nal in­sti­tu­ti­ons, stan­douts amongst which are the re­cent (2012) The Sce­na­ri­os of Post Au­to­no­my, Glen­da Cin­que­gra­na: the Stu­dio, Mi­lan, Ita­ly; Tem­pla­te – Mo­bi­le Do­cu­men­ta, Chisenha­le Stu­di­os, Lon­don (2011), The Space of Post Au­to­no­my, Arts De­pot, Vi­en­na (2011), Plau­si­ble Art­worlds, Ba­se­kamp, Phil­adel­phia (2010), Mo­bi­le Do­cu­men­ta, Ford­ham Gal­le­ry, Lon­dra (2009), The Time of Post Au­to­no­my is Now, Your space, Van Ab­be­mu­se­um, Eind­ho­ven, Hol­land (2009), The Space of Post Au­to­no­my, Lo­cal Ope­ra­ti­ons, Ser­pen­ti­ne Gal­le­ry, Lon­don (2007).


Review of Condo by David Goldenberg

New text in collaboration with Maria Inez Plaza

Social share

New text on Participating Cultures for Reflector M

Participating Cultures



Here, There and Everywhere: Eurasian Cities


Project Director, Project Artist Kyong Park


Asia Culture Center, ACC Creation, in Gwangju, South Korea,

from November 25th, 2015 to July 5th, 2016


Poster work South Korea small



Installation shots Asia Culture Center, ACC Creation, in Gwangju, South Korea





I have three text/poster works



From Art into Politics and from Politics into Art


Opening of European Promise 11th December

European Promise


New text on Curating degree zero in OnCurating issue 26

Curating degree zero


Arts Initiative Tokyo,
Rosanne Altstatt,
Anthony Auerbach,
B+B: Sophie Hope & Sarah Carrington,
Marius Babias,
 Ute Meta Bauer,
Lorenzo Benedetti,
Tobias Berger,
Ursula Biemann,
Beatrice Von Bismarck,
Lionel Bovier,
Tim Brennan,
c a l c,
Ele Carpenter,
Daniela Cascella,
Vaari Claffey,
Barbara Clausen,
 Copenhagen Free University,
Alice Creischer & Andreas Siekmann, D.A.E: Peio Aguirre & Leire Vergara, Catherine David,
Joshua Decter,
 Clémentine Deliss,
Claire Doherty,
Barnaby Drabble,
Sergio Edelsztein,
 Eichelmann, Faiers & Rust, EIPCP, Octavian Esanu, Jacob Fabricius, Elena Filipovic, Fiteiro Cultural, Freee, Mark Garry, Sönke Gau, Catalin Gheorghe, GMK, David Goldenberg, Horst Griese, Frederikke Hansen,
Kent Hansen,
Maria Hlavajova,
Justin Hoffmann,
Manray Hsu,
Andrew Hunt, Per Hüttner, Instant Coffee,
International 3, K&K, Christoph Keller, Alexander Koch, Annette Kosak, Holger Kube Ventura,, Kuratorisk Aktion, Daniel Kurjakovic, Simon Lamunière, Kelly Large, Maria Lind, Locus +, Chus Martínez, Bernd Milla, Elke aus dem Moore, Nina Möntmann, Heike Munder, Lise Nellemann, Tone Olaf Nielsen, Hans Ulrich Obrist, NEID, Paul O’Neill, Marion von Osten, Sarah Pierce/The Metropolitan Complex, Planet22, Tadej Pogacar, Prelom, Aisling Prior, Protoacademy, Catherine Queloz, Reinigungsgesellschaft, RELAX, Dorothee Richter,
Maria Riskova, Stella Rollig, Sabine Schaschl-Cooper, Annette Schindler, Katharina Schlieben, Eva Schmidt, Trebor Scholz, Marco Scotini, Yukiko Shikata, Nathalie Boseul Shin, Gregory Sholette, Joshua Simon, Lisette Smits, Reinhard Storz, Bettina Steinbrügge, Szuper Gallery, Toasting Agency, TNC Network, Attila Tordai, Trinity Session, Mark Tribe, Unwetter, Value, Sencer Vardaman, Yvonne Volkart,
Stevan Vukovic, Gavin Wade, Florian Waldvogel, Cristine Wang, Astrid Wege,
Lee Welch WHW, Jan Van Woensel,
Ina Wudtke, Florian Wüst, Tirdad Zolghadr, Tal Ben Zvi.


The archive of curating degree zero is open to the public at  the Media and Information Centre (MIZ) at the Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK).

Information on the archive


Curating Degree Zero Archive

The Curating Degree Zero Archive (CDZA) documents the work of over 100 contemporary art curators who are known internationally for their critical and experimental positions. This collection of exhibition documentation, gifted to the archivists by the curators themselves, contains, among other materials, catalogues, DVDs, magazines and ephemera. In this way the archive presents a representative cross-section of the critical curatorial discourse at the beginning of the 21st Century.

The project began with the three-day symposium ‘Curating Degree Zero’, organized in Bremen in 1998 by Dorothee Richter and Barnaby Drabble. Between 2003 and 2008 the two curators worked together again on the Archive, which grew in size as it travelles to 18 venues around the world as an exhibition and program of live events and public discussions.

In 2011, the resulting collection was gifted to the Media and Information Centre (MIZ) at the Zürich University of the Arts (ZHdK). Since the opening of the University’s new premises in the Toni-Areal in 2014, the archive ist accessible as a permanent refernce collection in the lower floor of the MIZ.

The entire contents of the CDZA are listed in the NEBIS Catalogue, and material that, due to conservation issues, cannot be accessed directly in the reference section can be ordered for viewing through the NEBIS catalogue. Several unedited video recordings are listed in the eMuseum and can also be requested for viewing in the MIZ archive.

Further information about the archive and the touring exhibition can be found on the former CDZA website which is documented in the Arts Media Archive (Medienarchiv der Künste).


Material on David Goldenberg and works stored in the archive


Interview October 2015





La Post Autonomy di David Goldenberg
di Camilla Boemio
camilla boemio



Catalogue for venicevending show

Venicevending catalogue

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