Five Years publications: Public series no.8. vol 1-3. Being together is not enough Words & Pictures. A draft. 5 October – 13 October 2019 Saturday – Sunday 12 – 6pm — Dear_ Five Years draws to a close the call-for-proposals project: Being Together is not Enough. As outlined… this is an open project that aimed to support and examine the ideas of anyone interested in setting up groups. Anyone who already organised together and who wanted to share work practices and experience. Or simply. Anyone who wanted to declare and engage on issues. It’s a sprawling thing that now finds those who participated last year contributing further to a printed publication. As agreed. All editorial responsibility, control and copyright are entirely the authors. The publication will be presented at Five Years (5-13 October 2019) in draft format to go through the process of proofing for final publication (TBC). We therefore, invite everyone who contributed to formally [1] or informally [2] talk about their contributions in the space at Five Years: To read, discuss, contest, edit. Together with a public. All welcome. Edward Dorrian (Five Years) A series of timetabled Reading/discussion events to coincide with the draft publication at Five Years (5-13 October 2019) Please see the timetable of events, performances and discussions. Anyone who wants to just turn up at Five Years (5-13 October Sat-Sun 12-6 pm) and go through the pages… Please do. —– Saturday 5 October 2019 12-1 pm Latinos Creative Society: Manifesto 3-4 pm David Goldenberg: This Historic Moment: Route out of our Cultural desert An event and publication This event continues mining the implication of Neoliberalism destruction and the cultural desert left in its wake, examining practices capable of registering and engaging this environment through developing a new language of art, practices and concepts that we work towards. 1. Institutional critique of total power. 1 hr slide show of screen shots. 2014-. The Iraqi war, Egyptian military coup. Rise of the new right, secrecy, attacks against civil liberties, censorship and corruption, financialisation of art, structuring and linking material together. 2. Text/diagram: What is this Historic Moment? A new language of art. 2019 New Geographies Tax havens, Migrated colonial Archives, UBS Global project with the Guggenheim 5-6 pm: Lucia Farinati From transcription to transduction: the voice of Joseph Beuys in Audio Arts (revisited), a live audio essay performed by Lucia Farinati. – 3-4pm: Patrick Loan: Bryan Parsons and Oliver Cloke: The Hour (Record) – 12-4pm: Michael Curran and Joe Walsh This Historic Moment

A new text on The New language of Art is to appear in a new book on current Art

Date to be announced soon

Autumn 2019/2020

This Historic Moment



Granulation Pt 8

The topic of the fourth edition of FMAV due to be in Tangier Morocco from

16 to 19 Oct

Europe’s other Borders with North Africa

FMAV will dedicate all its main time to activities of exhibitions and workshops and panels to the issues of migration and refugees
Over the last two decades, human catastrophes at sea have indisputably transformed the maritime borders of Europe into a macabre deathscape. Untold tens of thousands of refugees, migrants, and their children have been consigned to horrific, unnatural, premature deaths by shipwreck and drowning, often following protracted ordeals of hunger, thirst, exposure, and abandonment on the high seas. The most comprehensive database documenting migrant and refugee deaths during attempts to traverse the maritime borders of Europe estimates the total number at more than 30,000 for the period since the year 2000.
Although such statistics are imperfect and the records surely involve a significant undercount, that is an average of 4-5 people who died every day during this period. With 4,329 migrant and refugee deaths recorded in the Mediterranean, 2016 became the deadliest year on record: on average, approximately 12 people died every day that year. Although 2017 saw a modest decline in the number of recorded deaths, this figure remained alarmingly high: on average, roughly 9 people died every day. Thus, it is no exaggeration to declare that EU-ropean border enforcement policies and practices have actively converted the Mediterranean into a gruesome mass grave.
Artists from the North of Morocco namely Tangier,Tetouan and Assilah and Europe Spain,Italy and England will work on this theme and celebrate it through meeting and panels for fans of visual arts and performance.
Nicholas De Genova

Parts 7 – Granulations

51zero/festival 2019 

of contemporary art and moving image

25th October – 17th November  

co-curated by David Goldenberg




One of this year’s themes is the idea of rebirth, renewal and starting again. Resident artist David Goldenberg will introduce Granulation, a collective public installation, encouraging contributions to a collaborative artwork and a discussion on art in response to the festival program. Goldenberg aims to use exhibited artworks and festival activities to construct formal ideas of how art takes place today, exploring how these ideas could be unfixed and reconstituted to develop new languages of art, in particular, a new language of art for Medway. 



Granulation – Open to All  

As part of 51zero festival, UK-based artist David Goldenberg is coordinating a new collective public installation entitled Granulationsituated in Rochester High Street. 


“How can we use art works and other activities as molecules to build an overview of how art takes place today, then take those molecules and rebuild the body of art differently? ” 


If it is possible to start again, how do we start a new language for art and what form should it or can it take? To develop a new language of art for Medway, people should have an active role in shaping this language, where we are all starting from the same position 


The project belongs to the people of Rochester whose input and contribution are key for the installation to be realised. People are invited to contribute ideas, material and objects, take part in discussions and make work during the first week of the festivalcollaborating with the artist in creating the installation. 



Guildhall Museum, 17 Rochester High StreetOctober 27th  3rd November. 


– Participating in the Installation  

Contributing ideas, material and objects should respond to the concept of rebirth and renewal, “starting a new language of art for Medway”These can take any form e.g. a text, text/image, essay, images, found objects from the public realm, personal items, that tells a story about art in the area. Unless agreed all objects should be small scale and portable.  


Please send text/image material via email or Wetransfer along with: 

Title of text – 

Your name – 

Email – 

Contact No – 

Link to website / online profile / link to other work – 


If you wish to contribute hard copies or objects please arrange to bring it along to the installation during October 27th – 3rd Novemberbetween 10am-5pm. 

Please note that your contributions may become part or be developed into new work or a discussion, so please bring copies only. If you wish your objects to be returned, do please state it clearly and arrange collection. 


– Participating in the talk and discussion (Sat 2nd November – NB venue may change) 

The aim is to develop a discussion from material that is sent to the festivalThe collective material will be used to provide an informed insight into how art works today, framing a context to pose a further question: how does art function in Medway and what language is specific to discussing this art? 


Key questions as introduction to talks and discussions include: What resources, material and information do we need to stage an event that facilitates this process? Why do we want to do this? How will we do this? What are the expectations? What form should a new work (art installation) take in building a new language of art? 


– Collaboration 

You may also be interested in collaborating, taking part in:  

– collaborating with building the new installation during the festival  

– meeting the artist for an informal exchange leading into to the final talk and discussion  

– proposing talks and activities related to the theme  


Expression of interest are invited between June – September. 

Please email with the subject line 

– 51zf/19 – Granulation – material 

– 51zf/19 – Granulation – talk/collaboration specifying a time to meet the artist, drop in at the Guildhall or attend the Talk.  


Publicity: all Open Call contributors would be listed in our publicity.  

Fee: all selected artists/musicians/contributors/work experience will be offered a nominal fee to cover expenses 



Parts 6 – 5 Years Gallery, London, UK

October 2019

Parts 5 -Envisioning the Economy of the Future, and the Future of Political Economy

International Conference, Lille, France

3-5th July 2019


Neoliberalism has destroyed what exists leaving a blank, a clearing, a new space.

In a sense we can say we have entered a moment where it is possible to re-imagine art again for the 1st time in 200 years

How do we meet this challenge?

We can pose the question another way “If you were offered the opportunity to shape art and thinking would you take up the challenge?”

Is it possible to coordinate a situation where cultures and peoples meet to exchange ideas to contest existing thinking and positions to reshape  centres of cultural power?

This opening is where art and thinking starts again

This is stage one in developing a project, whose extent and breadth will develop and become apparent over time.

What are the issues that require to be looked at, who is interested in engaging and exchanging ideas and what form should this exchange take?

A series of introductions to This Historical Moment through developing a non-visual practice 

What is a non-visual practice?

How do we discuss, analyse and break with neoliberalism from within neoliberalism?

What is a Participating Culture?

5 Years Gallery, London, UK

Sunday 27th May 4-5 pm

Documentation of the event

Art as Global Currency

Molecular images

Art as Global Currency in 8 simple clusters and 2 complex clusters and one image molecular images combining all the images into different patterns

Drunken Walk Algorithm used in the stock Market,

Descartes “I think therefore l am”, location of folders on

my desk top, Art about nothing

Plotting the rise of the Right wing, Arts links to the Art Market, excavating Western Ontology as the root and core of Western Global White Supremacists

How do we assemble a work that is capable of operating today within the existing complexity, what issues and aspects does it need to assimilate?

What is the context against which we exist and produce culture and which art and culture contributes in shaping?

A work assembled from 10 x clusters of screen shots of images extracted from Multiple internet sites. Selected images from the Mining the internet series 2014-18, building a picture of total power. Key figures who contributed to the conceptualisation and shaping of the Post Historical environment we exist in and against which art functions and promotes.

Figures who shaped the British Empire and who went onto assist in the rebranding of the British Empire into the British Commonwealth, the formation of a Global Government, writing of British History. The formation of the EU, Nonlinear Warfare, images of the end of history and political historical events.

The texture of post Global Market collapse 2008, the financialization of art, arts link to the art market, and arts role in Globalisation, and the capacity of art to address this complexity.

Tate Liverpool Exchange, Liverpool, UK

“Production – Process – Collaboration”

28th July – 5th August

in parallel to the Liverpool Biennial

                           The talk and project take place in the Tate Exchange main space

My text in the catalogue VVM 7

I will give a talk on Saturday August 4th, 3 pm on

“What is a Participating Culture?”

with the curator Camilla Boemio

 Presentation for Tate Liverpool Exchange 8.5 11.27am

For further information, dates and names of venues,  ideas for engaging with the concept and joining a debate, and suggestions for  responding  to the material, please look through the material below

Generic text


Invitation to contributors


Contribution to the material

The start of any contribution and contact should be in the form of statements and diagrams on local newspapers

Then statements from different contributions will be extracted to make something similar to Luthers 95 thesis

From this beginning other forms are planned, for instance

How do we translate these ideas into a way of living for a place and setting for experimental living?

Unfortunately the project for Uddebo will now no longer continue beyond the initial research

Realising ideas in the village of Uddebo, Sweden

Please email material or enquiries to David Goldenberg on

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