David Goldenberg (UK)
Between Revolution and Heresy
Thursday 12 December 2013, 19.00
@PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Țiriac Bank
Str. C.A. Rosetti 36 (Entrance from str. Jean Louis Calderon)

“BETWEEN REVOLUTION AND HERESY” – a lecture by David Goldenberg at PAVILION centerMONDAY DECEMBER 16TH 2013, 3:32 AM FILED UNDER: NONEOn the 12 of December David Goldenberg held a lecture at PAVILION center under the title ‘Between Revolution an Heresy’.In the 90’s, the Hamburg-based theorist Michael Lingner introduced through two texts, indebted to Luhmann’s Systems theory, the concept of Post Autonomy; a term which is appropriated from the 70’s in response to Barthes’ “Death of the Author”. These texts crudely worked through the inherent logic in art that led to the impasse known as Post Modern Art, the consequences of a non-developing art that continues along the route of Post Modernism and outlines a path that separates from that impasse.Although Lingner did not develop the route out of this quandary, which proposed a fundamental rethinking of art and artistic concepts, this mapped out the inherent potentiality of Post Autonomy. During the 90’s, further authors developed similar sounding descriptions, which also proposed radical breaks with a normalised art world in the form of an artistic strike. This was a refusal to contribute creative labour to the art industry in the manner of Gustav Metzger’s art strike, without following down that path. We can now see that the thinking revolving around Post Autonomy during this elementary stage either sought to interrogate the symptoms of Post Modernism or find solutions that are too radical to be carried out. During the beginning of the new century the ideas have undergone further developments. In 2008 Peter Osbourne, Charles Esche and Jeff Wall redefined Post Autonomy as a practice that is a set of theories interrogating Post Conceptual Art. Contextualised within the Biennial form, Post Autonomy also interrogates the Biennial form, Colonisation and Globalisation, meaning the spatial reach of a Euro-Centric tradition. More recently, theorists such as Pamela Lee (“Leaving the Art World”) address Post Autonomy in more general terms that revolve around rethinking through what is understood by Autonomy and its various permutations, or advocating the very radical actions that the earlier theorists proposed. However, what appears in retrospect is that Post Autonomy as a body of descriptions makes more sense, and that it would be more exact to see these descriptions as the difficulties and complexity faced when we use terms or concepts that are unable to adequately describe the existing state of affairs.In that respect, Post Autonomy can be seen as the earliest register of the symptoms not of Post Modernism but of Neo-Liberalism, the task of understanding art and thinking that we witness being emptied out.David Goldenberg is a London based artist. In 2014 he will publish a book of recent texts and projects examining “Post Autonomy”. He was exhibited in The Caspian Biennial Convention; collateral exhibition at Venice Biennial, 2013; 1st Land Art Biennial of Mongolia; 10th Istanbul Biennial; ICA Philadelphia; Shedhalle, Zurich; 6th Sharjah Biennial; Tate Modern; ICA London, UK and many more. Between 2010 – 2011 he produced 10 programmes for Resonance FM radio examining Post Autonomy. He lives and works in London.Photos: Sorin Florea sorinflorea.tumblr.com |
David Goldenberg (UK) Between Revolution and Heresy @ Pavilion
Posted by MC on December 10, 2013 in EvenimenteNo comments
David Goldenberg (UK)
Between Revolution and Heresy
Thursday 12 December 2013, 19.00
@PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Țiriac Bank
Str. C.A. Rosetti 36 (Entrance from str. Jean Louis Calderon)
FB event: www.facebook.com/events/378113362324138/
In the 90’s, the Hamburg-based theorist Michael Lingner introduced through two texts, indebted to Luhmann’s Systems theory, the concept of Post Autonomy; a term which is appropriated from the 70’s in response to Barthes’ “Death of the Author”. These texts crudely worked through the inherent logic in art that led to the impasse known as Post Modern Art, the consequences of a non-developing art that continues along the route of Post Modernism and outlines a path that separates from that impasse.
Although Lingner did not develop the route out of this quandary, which proposed a fundamental rethinking of art and artistic concepts, this mapped out the inherent potentiality of Post Autonomy. During the 90’s, further authors developed similar sounding descriptions, which also proposed radical breaks with a normalised art world in the form of an artistic strike. This was a refusal to contribute creative labour to the art industry in the manner of Gustav Metzger’s art strike, without following down that path. We can now see that the thinking revolving around Post Autonomy during this elementary stage either sought to interrogate the symptoms of Post Modernism or find solutions that are too radical to be carried out. During the beginning of the new century the ideas have undergone further developments.
In 2008 Peter Osbourne, Charles Esche and Jeff Wall redefined Post Autonomy as a practice that is a set of theories interrogating Post Conceptual Art. Contextualised within the Biennial form, Post Autonomy also interrogates the Biennial form, Colonisation and Globalisation, meaning the spatial reach of a Euro-Centric tradition. More recently, theorists such as Pamela Lee (“Leaving the Art World”) address Post Autonomy in more general terms that revolve around rethinking through what is understood by Autonomy and its various permutations, or advocating the very radical actions that the earlier theorists proposed. However, what appears in retrospect is that Post Autonomy as a body of descriptions makes more sense, and that it would be more exact to see these descriptions as the difficulties and complexity faced when we use terms or concepts that are unable to adequately describe the existing state of affairs.
In that respect, Post Autonomy can be seen as the earliest register of the symptoms not of Post Modernism but of Neo-Liberalism, the task of understanding art and thinking that we witness being emptied out.
David Goldenberg is a London based artist. In 2014 he will publish a book of recent texts and projects examining “Post Autonomy”. He was exhibited in The Caspian Biennial Convention; collateral exhibition at Venice Biennial, 2013; 1st Land Art Biennial of Mongolia; 10th Istanbul Biennial; ICA Philadelphia; Shedhalle, Zurich; 6th Sharjah Biennial; Tate Modern; ICA London, UK and many more. Between 2010 – 2011 he produced 10 programmes for Resonance FM radio examining Post Autonomy. He lives and works in London.
Image: “In search of Post Autonomy” durational performance, 1st June 2013, Venice Biennial. Chalk on marble with found leaflet, St. Mark’s Square. In collaboration with Ioana Pioaru, Kate Kotcheff, Andrea Lind-Valdan. Copyright David Goldenberg
David Goldenberg (UK)
Între Revoluție și Erezie
Joi 12 decembrie 2013, 19.00
@PAVILION | proudly supported by UniCredit Țiriac Bank
Str. C.A. Rosetti 36 (intrarea din str. Jean Louis Calderon)
FB event: www.facebook.com/events/378113362324138/
În anii ’90, teoreticianul stabilit în Hamburg, Michael Lingner, a introdus prin intermediul a două texte datorate “Teoriei Sistemelor” lui Luhmann, conceptul de “post autonomie”; termenul este apropriat din anii ’70 ca răspuns la lucrarea lui R. Barthes, “Moartea Autorului”. Aceste texte parcurg într-un mod brutal logica inerentă a artei ce a condus la impasul cunoscut ca “arta postmodernă”, consecințele unei arte neevoluate care își continuă parcursul pe direcția postmodernismului și care trasează un drum ce se izolează de acel impas.
Deși Lingner nu a descoperit o ieșire din această dilemă, o situație ce propunea o regândire fundamentală a artei și a conceptelor artistice, acest lucru a prevăzut potențialul inerent al post autonomiei. În timpul anilor ’90, autorii ulteriori au dezvoltat descrieri asemănătoare ca formă, ce propuneau, de asemenea, divizări radicale în lumea unei arte normalizate, sub forma unor greve artistice. Aceste greve reprezentau refuzul de a contribui la producția industriei artistice, în maniera grevei artistice a lui Gustav Metzger, fără a o copia pe aceasta. Acum putem vedea cum gândirea ce gravitează în jurul post autonomiei în această etapă elementară, fie a căutat să interogheze simptomele postmodernismului, sau să găsească soluții care sunt prea radicale pentru a fi aplicate. La începutul noului secol aceste idei au căpătat dezvoltări ulterioare.
În anul 2008, Peter Osbourne, Charles Esche și Jeff Wall au redefinit post autonomia ca o practică alcătuită dintr-un set de teorii care cercetează “arta post-conceptuală”. Contextualizată în forma bienalei de artă, post autonomia interoghează conturul bienalei, colonizarea și globalizarea, adică întinderea spațială a unei tradiții eurocentrice. Mai recent, teoreticieni ca Pamela Lee (“Leaving the Art World”) se adresează problemei post autonomiei în termeni mai generali ce se referă la o regândire a conceptului de autonomie și a numeroaselor ei permutări sau la o susținere a acțiunilor radicale propuse de autorii timpurii. Cu toate acestea, în retrospectivă, post autonomia are mai mult sens luată ca un ansamblu de descrieri și ar fi mult mai metodic să ne raportăm la aceste descrieri ca reprezentând dificultățile și complexitatea cu care ne confruntăm atunci când folosim termen i sau concepte care nu descriu în mod adecvat status quo-ul.
Acestea fiind spuse, post autonomia poate fi privită ca cea mai timpurie însemnare, nu a postmodernismului, ci a neoliberalismului, misiunea de a înțelege arta de a conștientiza că suntem martorii propriei noastre goliri.
David Goldenberg este un artist londonez. În 2014 va publica o carte ce cuprinde texte și proiecte care cercetează subiectul „post autonomiei”. A expus în cadrul The Caspian Biennial Convention; expoziție paralelă la Venice Biennial, 2013; participări expoziționale în cadrul primei ediții Land Art Biennial of Mongolia, 10th Istanbul Biennial, la Institutul de Artă Contemporană din Philadelphia, la Galeria Shedhalle din Zurich, 6th Sharjah Biennial, Tate Modern, Institutul de Artă Contemporană din Londra și multe altele. Între 2010 și 2011 a realizat zece emisiuni pentru Resonance FM Radio ce examinau subiectul “post autonomiei”. Trăiește și lucrează în Londra.
Imagine: “In search of Post Autonomy”, performance, 1 Iunie 2013, Bienala de la Veneția. Cretă pe marmură cu broșură găsită, St. Mark’s Square. În colaborare cu Ioana Pioaru, Kate Kotcheff, Andrea Lind-Valdan. Copyright David Goldenberg
PAVILION center for contemporary art & culture
proudly supported by UniCredit Tiriac Bank
Str. C.A. Rosetti nr. 36 (crossing with Str. Jean Louis Calderon),
Bucharest 020015, Romania